HOW TO: Set Up and Start Using Twitter in 3 Minutes

3 Nov

New!  Here’s a great Infographic Twitter Cheat Sheet from Guy Kawaskai’s AllTop page.

Twitter Cheat Sheet Infographic from


1. Sign Up:

2. Use your name or pick a short, simple, memorable or self-explanatory name.
-Only letters and numbers (and underscores) are allowed. Try to avoid an underscore ( _), as it’s tough to type on mobile devices. Use numbers sparingly. (Mine is @CharityIdeas)

3. Fill out the 140-character bio fully. Many people won’t follow anyone who doesn’t have a bio.

4. Add a link to a site of yours, or an organization you like. You can take out the www part so people can read more of it at a glance. Sample:

5. Upload a picture or “avatar”. Most people won’t follow someone with a default avatar (square with a bird) as it’s a spammer favorite.
-A real picture of yourself works best for most personal accounts.

6. Always shorten URLs with a link-shortening tool like so you have more room in your tweet.

7. If you see an interesting tweet, you can “forward” or ReTweet (RT) it by putting: RT @username123 Copy of what their tweet said.

8. Try to keep tweets under 120 characters so others can easily RT.

9. To send a reply to someone specific, start the tweet with @theirusername , i.e. @ClaireD Love your “Twitter for Good” book!  #Twitter4Good
-To see who’s sending you messages or mentioning you, check your “@Mentions”
-Direct Messages or DMs are messages sent “privately” to one user from another; someone must be following you for you to be able to DM them.

10. The # is called a “hashtag”, used to tag tweets. If you add a # (hashtag) in front of a keyword, people can track & find easily with tools and search.
-It shows a purposeful use of a word so others can find it. i.e., #philanthropy will be found by others interested in philanthropy.

11. Try a tool like TweetDeck or HootSuite to make it easier once you get going. Hootsuite, Seesmic and CoTweet allow multiple users to tweet on one account.

Great resource from

50+ Awesome Twitter Tips to become a Pro:

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